Cara Memasak Mantou steamed bun yang nikmat.

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Mantou steamed bun. Mántóu (馒头), also known as Mó (馍), refers to plain steamed buns which originated from China. They are usually made of white wheat flour, but other ingredients, such as corn. Chinese steamed buns can be stuffed with various types of fillings or unstuffed.

Mantou steamed bun In this post, you are going to learn the easiest way to make homemade steamed. Mantou are plain Chinese steamed buns, made from a yeasted dough of white wheat flour, milk, and sugar. They have smooth, snowy white surfaces and soft and. Sobat dapat membuat Mantou steamed bun hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 7 langkah saja. Berikut ini adalah bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Mantou steamed bun yuk!

Bahan-bahan Mantou steamed bun

  1. Gunakan 250 grm tepung trigu.
  2. Gunakan 65 grm maezena.
  3. Diperlukan 175 ml susu cair uht.
  4. Diperlukan 2 sdm gula pasir.
  5. Gunakan 1,5 minyak sayur.
  6. Siapkan 1/2 sdt fermipan.
  7. Sediakan 2 sdm coklat bubuk.

Chinese Steamed Bun is one of the most basic staples in Chinese cuisine. In Chinese cuisine, there is nothing more basic and classic than Chinese steamed bun or Bao. Mantou (simplified Chinese: 馒头; traditional Chinese: 饅頭), often referred to as Chinese steamed bun, is a white and soft type of steamed bread or bun popular in Northern China. Mantou or Chinese plain steamed bun was my childhood favorite and still is.

Step by step membuat Mantou steamed bun

  1. Siapkan semua bahan.
  2. Campur trigu, gula, maezena, fermipan, aduk rata lalu kasih susu cair, sedikit demi sedikit, uleni sampai agak kalis,masukan minyak sayur lalu uleni lagi sampai kalis.
  3. Kalau adonan udah kalis diamkan 10 menit kempeskan bagi dua, yg satu kasih bubuk coklat yg satunya polos.
  4. Buletin lalu tekan tekan pakai telapak tangan, lalu tumpuk jadi satu.
  5. Lalu gulung, potong potong kira kira 2 senti.
  6. Diamkan tutup pakai kain kira kira 1,5 jam.
  7. Kukus kurang lebih 15 menit angkat dan sajikan.

I remember having that for afternoon tea snacks. It's like the soft and fluffy steamed buns, but have the half-circle shape. Plain steamed buns are a staple food that can be eaten with both savory and sweet accompaniments. Mantou originated in northern China as wheat was the major crop as opposed to rice in the south. Plain steamed buns are called mantou.